Hello everyone..
Thank you for always reading, it's not easy to read lol! It's only because I love writing but the aim of it all is to touch lives no matter how young/old/rich/poor etc you are, even if it's one person that reads this blog and feels inspired, that's enough for me..
Basically, I want to try to touch lives the little way I can in the nearest future. Support orphanage homes, speaking to depressed people etc. The day I decided to open a blog was the day I read one random blog that lifted my spirit. I'm telling you that you can't know what people are going through till you get the chance to speak with them, somepeople are going through different kind of depression, abuse, humiliation.. Too many things. Then I decided that if I start, I can actually share part of what I've learnt in my life or learnt from other people just so people that get to read don't feel they are alone because until you hear what's bothering other people, you can never know how grateful you should be.
All what you want can't come in one day, 1 month etc.. It would take a while. But I strongly believe that there's nothing prayer can't solve, I've tried it and it worked for me. No matter how little the situation is, God is still the most superior., ever other person is a normal human being like you just that some are more privileged. I don't really care about class because that doesn't define anyone, people have class and still don't have any positive thing to say etc, don't feel humiliated because of anything, it could be maybe your friends are getting married but you haven't found your soul mate yet, your friends are getting pregnant you haven't had your baby yet, your friends are moving forward and you are still kind of where you use to be. No, don't do things because of people. We are extremely different. The way we read things are very different, we think differently, do things because you want to do it not because anyone is doing it or forcing you or humiliating you. Your time would come, yes it would come. Remember all that glitters is not gold, at all. You have some terrible colleagues maybe at work, you are the closest to that person. The person is quiet, everyone sees the person as very quiet but only you can see that other side and it's even worse than someone that everyone knows does bad things, No. Because someone doesn't talk doesn't make them good/bad. And because someone talks or opens up doesn't make them good/bad too it just depends on how you reason because we see things differently.
Be careful who you share your weakness with because somepeople can't wait to use it against you.
I spoke to one of my big sisters in America after a long time yesterday and she mentioned this to me and I can clearly relate because it happened to me recently from someone I really wouldn't expect it from.
There's nothing as bad as when someone uses what has happened between you and them to judge whatever happens. Don't do that to anyone, it would make the person so depressed because they wouldn't expect it from you, one day you would be judged too. I don't use what I've heard from people to judge how someone is, I stopped it since I was 15 because I got the wrong picture of a very sweet person from someone else because she just didn't like her, so I stopped judging people through what I've heard or what they've done to me. You have a very different relationship with everyone so don't think everyone has that same relationship you have with them with you.
Also mistakes! If anyone would leave you because of your mistake they were never meant to be in your life. Dispose them please. Everyone would make mistakes even the worst mistake. Some would talk bad to God because they are frustrated, it was a mistake they didn't do that purposely. I believe mistakes help you grow to be a better person because then you can sit back and think like oh wow this shouldn't have been this way etc.. We offend God everyday and he forgives because everyone is bound to make mistakes, only if you are not a normal human being. Mistakes would help you watch what to do next time especially if it comes with a complain e.g maybe you did something or said something to someone.
Forgiveness is the key. I'm on my first novel now and I'm just taking a look at my life and I can see how many wrong people are in, how many people that were supposed to be closer to me that I pushed away, how many things I hear from people .. I have to add all this because I love to write about life. The past few years have come with different kind of things that would make me almost hate a person but I can't just keep people in mind. So forgiveness is the key because you are free. Forgive because God would always forgive you too not because of what someone has done because somepeople have done somethings that makes you wonder if it can't be forgiven.
Basically be careful and just be you. Be happy. Don't let anything, anyone decide your happiness for you, it starts with you. The day you decide to be happy with yourself things would start falling In place because then you are seeing the best in yourself not what anyone has to say. Also watch who you depend on.. Things turn around and people change.
God bless you all!
Pls read and definitely share. Xx
Happiness is a choice,nobody can make u happy but u...