Today I turn 20, it's a day have looked forward to since July 14 2015, it means a lot to see people wishing me and posting my picture and sending awesome messages.
Am always excited about birthdays because it comes only once in a year and you are worthy to see that day not because you are special or you are better than others that have died. I actually thank God for blessing me with another year on earth, and everyone for celebrating me..
Also my book launch is this weekend, am very excited and nervous because I can't believe it's coming true.. God is awesome, he's been good .. I wrote this book since February last year and I wanted to launch it, things kept on blocking my way but am excited that even with everything and how TIGHT the economy is, God is still making it come to pass. Am excited! I want people to read my book and learn from it, I want to hear feedbacks .. Am just so happy that at 20 I can do something like this for my self, my future etc .. It's something my kids would look at in future and be happy to say "my mum wrote this" .. Thanks to everyone that would be coming to celebrate with me, God bless y'all!
Love you so much DamStar. I hope your day was good. I so wish I was coming. My mind is in Nigeria
ReplyDeleteMy berrylicious girl, ull go places😻😻
ReplyDeleteAm so proud of you my darling😍 congratulations 😘 love u dear....Thank u Jesus for this