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What we really don't know about ourselves ...

In life, as we grow everyday, we learn. Am a better person today because of yesterday's experience and lessons. We tend to judge people too fast, we let people's unknown opinions about us get to us then we react with what's been said or done by that person.

I was speaking with my Aunty last week, she just came back from a journey and I haven't seen her since last year, so we had a lot to talk about, then I was talking about something then she said we shouldn't be reacting for everything that the most painful truth is most people don't know what they are doing is wrong and that really got to me.

Let me share my experience a little, I promised my self this may to start working on my self because my anger started making me a different person, people see me as either being too saucy or being too rude when am angry meanwhile they forget that it's just a reflect action from a temperamental person. I normally use to be very playful and hardly angry by I get angry same with when I was in America but that's when I started having this anger issue then from towards the end of last year till this year April, it's been ridiculous. I allow people to get to me with things they say and because of how opened I am to people I truly love I never think of going back but it's obvious that people probably started taking my love for them for granted so I decided to just work on myself, first of all reduce my anger and start adjusting my circle because some people don't deserve my love.

I had one issue with a friend of mine, more like my sister, I didn't even know she was angry with me I just noticed she was acting really weird so I called another big sister of mine who happens to be her friend to tell her, she asked me for the conversation I told her I don't have it again but she should ask my friend for it, she did. She called me back after like 30 minutes and she said its wrong. She read the message to me and meanwhile I didn't even mean to speak like that, I just wanted to ask her somethings and she said Dami you wouldn't talk like this to someone that you need her help, she read out the parts that she felt was wrong and to me it was absolutely okay. I agreed it was wrong so I apologized and it ended. Till today as I write this, am still in amazed because to me there was absolutely nothing wrong even I wrote 3 different apologies before I found a better one to send to her, so I was speaking to her (my friend) later and I told her that see there are somethings people don't know, I didn't know that message would get to you and I didn't mean it like that but it got to you and you took it the other way around instead of pointing it out to me. I really started loving that her friend that I called More because she didn't judge me like some others would do, she could have told her "she's just very annoying and she doesn't know what to say" but she was matured enough to help me resolve it. I hate when you judge people because of what has happened to you before with the person in question. So spoke to me like a sister and friend that wanted me to be better and she didn't do it by giving me attitude, she was really cool and I honestly became a better person with what she told me and it has built my relationship with my friend more. You can't just say Dami you annoyed me without pointing it out so next time I can adjust, we are different people, people just don't know somethings! They don't know it's wrong that's why we shouldn't always be angry all the time, people just do things and they might not even know it's wrong. From what happened last week I said it that I just have to adjust myself to people because if I wanted to be me, I wouldn't even apologize because there was nothing wrong with the message but we see things differently. We have to learn to understand and build with the people we are dealing with so we would have a better world. If someone keeps annoying you, before you decide to cut them off, point it out to them, they probably don't know, if they repeat it that same way again then you have a say but my point out of all this is that some people don't know somethings are wrong and that's why they keep doing it, they need someone or people to talk to them .

It would only get better IJN.


  1. We are different people with different characters,we view things from different perspective.we just ve to learn to tolerate each other.


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